The Veterans Contact Point in Partnership with Warwick District Council will be establishing a Veterans Support Hub in Pageant House Warwick
Pageant House High Street Warwick
Refurbishment work modernising the internal of the building is almost complete and the first floor of Pageant House will eventually accommodate the Veterans Contact Point and the Warwickshire Fusiliers Museum. Already established on the ground floor are the Warwickshire Yeomanry Museum, the Wedding Ceremony Room and Warwick Town Council.
The Veterans Contact Point has worked tirelessly to establish a base in Southern Warwickshire to complement its existing successful Head Quarters based in Nuneaton North Warwickshire. Working with Warwick District Council, The Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Armed Forces Covenant Partnership and funding from The Veterans Foundation these efforts have resulted in a suite of two rooms being made available to the Warwickshire Charity to establish an operation base in the South.
Capital Funders Veterans Foundation support the Veterans Contact Point in Warwick
Final plans have been made and equipment ordered to allow the Veterans Contact Point to start to deliver support and partnership interventions to Armed Forces Veterans and their families living in South Warwickshire. The strength behind the intervention’s that are delivered by this award-winning Military Charity is its Peer Support which have proven highly effective in supporting many hundreds of veterans to date and in ensuring their continued engagement in service delivery and interventions from the Armed Forces Covenant Partnership.
The date set for “doors open” and operational face to face interventions is Monday 7th November the week before the UK remembers the lives lost, sacrifices and service of its Armed Forces in battles and conflicts past. The suite of offices will be dedicated to our late President Mr David JO Owen MBE DL in memory of his endless commitment to The Veterans Contact Point who he was instrumental in establishing back in 2009. David was also the President of SSAFA Warwickshire & Coventry Branch, dedicating his own life since leaving the Military to ensure that his fellow Veterans and their Families should not struggle to find support. He also supported many other great charities and organisations across Warwickshire.
If you are a veteran or a partner of a veteran or an organisation or individual who knows of a veteran or their family who are struggling, help can be accessed through any one of our hubs across Warwickshire, one telephone number: 02476343793 and one email address:
If you are a veteran and want to be involved in supporting the work we do, or even just to rock up for a brew and a chat, same number and email or when we are open Monday 7th November 2022, pop in the door is open and the brew/wets will be on. We look forward to welcoming you.