The Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Partnership Trust (CWPT) Ex-Armed Forces Project are beginning an exciting new project working in partnership with the Veterans Contact Point and the CWPT/Mind ‘Recovery and Wellbeing Academy’, to create a brand new course/workshops specifically for Veterans. The course will have personal recovery, incorporating the following suggested elements, at its heart:
• Having control of your life and wellbeing
• Having opportunity to build a life beyond illness
• Having hope and belief that we can all pursue hopes and dreams
• Improving your personnel circumstances
• Building better relationships
• Increasing you opportunities in work and training
For this exciting project to happen, we first need a group of veterans to come together to plan and create the course/workshops, which puts veterans at the heart of the process from the beginning. This group will bring ideas to discuss what they would like and in their opinion, what is needed from such a course/workshops to aid any veterans personal recovery, which could obviously involve family members and carers .
We will be running approx. 3 planning sessions, first one on 18 January at 10 till 12 noon at the Veterans Contact Point. We would be happy to do one session in the evening or at weekend, for those that have other commitments.
More details will be shared once known or confirmed, to show your interest or to attend, email us at or telephone the VCP on 02476343793