Op Free Speech – Support Available Now to UK Veterans who have served in Iraq & Afghanistan

Op Free Speech – Support Available Now to UK Veterans who have served in Iraq & Afghanistan

“Op Free Speech – Support to UK Veterans who have served in the Gulf Wars, Iraq or Afghanistan and need help or someone to talk too”

The Veterans Contact Point (VCP) is proud to announce its successful application for funding to support the needs of those servicemen and women who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan and who may be struggling with the impacts of these wars. The project is funded for 12 months by the Office of Veterans Affairs and administered through the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust and is available to access now.

The VCP worked very closely with our NHS colleagues from Op Courage in Warwickshire, Coventry, Solihull and the surrounding Midlands areas to identify the need to provide non-clinical supportive interventions to veterans engaged in service or exiting out of clinical interventions with them. This interest also included extending this support to other organisations and charities who are also working with these veterans or their families. Op Free Speech will use a multitude of tried and tested engagement methods, from one-to-one meeting, online video calls and group activities.

The program officer is a veteran who will help you through the process if you are struggling with mental health and how it impacts life in civvy street, if you just simply need to talk about your issues with those with similar lived experiences and battles through mental health interventions back into the community.

We are passionate about ensuring that guys like you find the support needed and that you are supported throughout the whole process. We want to provide a “safe space” for these veterans who need head space to speak freely about their experiences or issues resulting from these wars or their own experiences and problems faced in civilian life/civvy street; to be able to do so without judgement but with a commonality of understanding. We are also keen that their spouses are included as often they are forgotten with the primary focus being towards the veteran.

“Sometimes having the support of those that care and understand can make the world of difference”.

Op Free Speech is a free intervention but solely aimed at veterans and their families who have served in the UK Armed Forces in either of the Gulf Wars, Iraq or Afghanistan.

To make contact with the team, ring 02476 343793 or email contactus@veteranscontactpoint.co.uk

We will return you call and establish comms within 24hrs. We want to offer a none-hassle, bullshit free, no appointment needed, access point and support you on a One-to-One basis and when safe to do so with your agreement, extend the support to group intervention and activities.